Greatest American Painters

Paul Lauritz (1889 – 1975)

Posted by M.R.N. on March 4, 2008

17 Mile Drive

Mountain Landscape

A Home Along A Tree-Shadowed Road

Passing Storm

Winter Wonderland

3 Responses to “Paul Lauritz (1889 – 1975)”

  1. Pinklunamoon said

    bello quello della montagna, molto vivido. =)

  2. Lexi Amberson said

    Questo pittore era nato in Norvegia. Poi si è trasferito in California ed è diventato cittadino americano, ma è come se i suoi panorami (che sono quasi sempre quelli californiani o dell’Alaska) fossero rivestiti da quella particolare luminosità e vividezza di colori che ricordano tanto la Norvegia. L’effetto mi sembra molto accattivante.

  3. I purchased an old frame from a consignment store…when i removed the picture on the front i found what looks like a water colour on paper signed on bottom left ..paul lauritz,,can’t make out the date but it is there…and behind this was a signed cardboard pic of edward v111 very young and in uniform…only shows 2 stripes on uniform……signed edward p on right and on left in pencil…vandyke and underneath london..would u have any information regarding these 2 items/,,oh by the way the watercolur shows what looks like cabins and trees and what looks like a field with a tall wooden cross in it…like maybe a cemetery….odd that the y were both born just 2 years apart in th e1890’s..and why would someone put these pieces behind a paper cutout?..the feame is old also..thanks..also found a beautiful tile depicting three v. shabeaeff?..horses are three different colours and mosiac..on wooden board on back it says…..dominion galleries

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