Greatest American Painters

General chatter

189 Responses to “General chatter”

  1. I would like to have the artists in my inventory show up
    on your site. Is there a charge?
    Please reply.Tom Pikul, Bantam,Ct. 860 567-3337

    • Suzay Lamb said

      I’m just a passionate blogger and this is a non-profit-making blog.
      All I can do is to add Bantam Fine Arts to my blogroll links. That’s absolutely free of charge.

      • Jim Carey said

        Please consider adding the art of Joe Beeler to this site. I think many people will come to know and appreciate his art.


        Jim Carey
        Plano, TX

  2. this is great!

  3. Peter Reeds said

    I am a British painter so I shall not leave my website but I Stumbled on your site and really enjoyed seeing such a vast array of American art. More than I ever saw when I was an art student in the sixties. Well done. I have bookmarked your site.
    Good luck
    Peter Reeds

    • Suzay Lamb said

      Thank you for your kind words. I took a look at your website. It deserves time and attention. I particularly appreciated the weeds & rocks contrast in “Margate Harbour”. I can only wish you to keep on catching the soul of everything you’re looking at.
      Happy trails to you (and your stunning 1988 Harley too!)

  4. Kmuzu said

    Outstanding and inspiring … thank you very much

  5. Christopher said

    Excellent WP blog/site. Great job.

    A few quick questions, which I hope you can answer:

    1. Why? Special project? Art student? Artist?

    2. How? I see you put the photos/art up on Picasa. Are you paying for that service, or does Picasa have that much storage for free?

    3. How do you determine your inventory, list of artists? And how inclusive do you plan on making it?

    I ask these questions because of my own site projects.


  6. Claude said

    I was anxious to thank you for your remarkable site. He allows me to discover, through the multiple talented artists, the history(story) of your country. These artists deserve to be recognized in Europe in the same way as Rembrant, Lautrec, Monet, Vangogh etc.
    BR from Luxembourg

  7. Interesting blog and thanks for celebrating American Artists!

  8. Dayvid said

    What a wonderful site! Your passion for American art is evident. Can’t wait to see who will be posted next!


  9. This site is a great resource. We have started a site that positions fine art views on digital maps; you may find interesting:

  10. I am a painter living and working in New York. My interest is American figurative painting so finding blog was a treat.

  11. I am an artist working in England and I thought you might like to see some of my paintings.

  12. Amy Goins said

    I am looking for a particular Vargas print called “Lola” A friend of mine remembers it fondly from his fathers shop and I would love to find a copy of it for him Can anyone tell me where I can find one?

  13. Nanang said

    Nice blog… 🙂

  14. Hope to someday reach the greatness of these artists. LOVE this site!

  15. JT Harding said

    Hi Suzay,
    I just subscribed to your RSS feed. As an American Artist myself, I would love the exposure on your blog and Artist Links. Keep up the great work and have a good day!

  16. Thank you so much for such a wonderful gallery 🙂 Peter

  17. Pharamond said

    Congratulations for your blog, haughtiness and interesting.

  18. Thimgan said

    Great site with some unusual and striking pieces! Thank you.

  19. BethAnn said

    Enjoyed your site.You have not discovered Indiana’s rich art history, no mention of T.C. Steele and many others that gave the country a beautiful view of the paintings of southern Indiana. Can you include him and others of the colony in your listing. I notice you do have Otis Adams. He was a part of the colony of artists.
    I would enjoy being a part of this great site. How do you apply?

  20. Jenifer said

    I really appreciate all the work you’ve done with these images! I was wanting to use some of the images on my website (just as illustrations; not selling anything) and I noticed you said you’re just a passionate blogger, but can I use these pictures? Do I need permission or is there some copyrights to these images? Please let me know and keep up the good work!

  21. Jon Gernon said

    Great site! Keep up the good work!
    Jon Gernon

  22. XtremXpert said

    Last week I found a website for sale on a forum and I saw the domain was 5 years old so I checked the history of it and I realized it was an artist’s website. I bought it and I recreated fast a website for her as I like her paintings. Her name is Sylvia Angeli, if you want please add the link and some paintings to your blog.

    btw, the last post with Terry Rodgers painting is great, I would love to have one of those in my house(when I’ll have one, lol)

  23. Ken said

    Trying to contact Greg Harris.


  24. HK Hanson said

    Is there a listing of the kind of grouped paintings?
    I found these:
    Western paintings:
    Wild Life:

    But what others exist?
    Is there something for National Parks, like Yosemity, Grand Canyon, etc?

    I found nothing for Great Plains, Rural, Farming, Farms, Farm, Rocky Mountains, or for names of northern great plains states

  25. George V. Augusta
    Great American portait painter & Impressionist

    Great American portrait Artist and American Impressionist painter
    George. V. Augusta. His most notable portrait is of First Lady Rosalynn Carter. He has also painted former Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger and Justice Lewis Powell. Also Eliot Richardson and Cyrus Vance along with many other leaders of education, medicine and philanthropy.
    George Augusta was born in 1922 in Boston MA, the son of George Augusta, a Boston police officer. He studied at The Boston Latin School. During the Second World War Mr. Augusta served as a cryptologist with the U.S. Army 849th Signal Intelligence Service (predecessor to the National Security Agency) breaking German Enigma codes. He was stationed in England, North Africa and Italy.
    While in Italy he was able to view the many art masterpieces in
    Florence etc. After the war he was a student of the Boston School painter Ernest L. Major. The Boston School has its roots in classical painting and French impressionism.
    Mr. Augusta is a member of the Guild of Boston Artists and The Copley Society. He is represented by Vose Galleries in Boston.
    Mr. Augusta has portraits in major corporations,hospitals, colleges, universities and government institutions across the United States.
    You can see his artwork at:

  26. twortd said

    Thanks so much for making this available — just started home schooling and this will be invaluable. Incredible range. A real service.


  27. norberto said

    Hi. I am a Cuban artist currently residing in US, I would love to have the opportunity of being posted on your blog. Let me know if it’s possible. Thanks in advance and please take a look at my website

  28. Chad Novacek said

    Excellent website/blog!

    I was able to identify some of my favorite works because of you. Thank you.

    I did think of a suggestion. You may add John FALTER if you think it’s appropriate. His stuff was pretty good.



  29. eric lawson said

    Hi Suzay,

    I noticed a lot of amazing American Artists here. I thought you might be interested in Kip Omolade.
    What do you think?

  30. Bob Kochis said

    I recommend Fidelia Bridges and Laura Wasson Maxwell be considered for inclusion in your interesting and ecclectic list. Not only for their artistic talent but also for the interesting lives they led at the turn of the 20th century. Thanks for this unique data base. Bob

  31. Dear Suzay,
    Would you consider including my art in your wonderful collection?

  32. Absolutely fabulous, amazing, site. You would be a great museum curator.

  33. marcy said

    I am wondering if I can use your picture of Kuan Yin on my website?

    Thanks and have a beautiful day, Marcy

  34. Il suo blog è bellissimo. Aprezzo molto il suo impegno nel documentare tanta creatività che altrimenti non avrebbe la risonanza che merita.

  35. Joanne said

    Hello Suzay,
    You have a beautiful collection of art on your website! I can spend hours enjoyingyour website.
    I noticed you did not have an artist’s website page for Howard Terpning, and we have the closest thing you will find as our gallery has a long business relationship with the artist and his family and have artist proofs from the family collection available exclusively through our gallery. The link if you would like to us it is
    Also, have you considered including Pino (1939-2010) in your website? Pino, born Guiseppe D’angelico in Bari, Italy on November 8, 1939, became one of the foremost book cover illustrators (over 1600) in the United States before establishing a reputation as a fine-art figure and landscape painter. His original oil paintings are prized by collectors. We have some of his rare orignial paintings and also have information about him at. .
    If you would like to include our gallery as a resource, that would be great. The main address is and it is B & R Gallery. We have been in business for over 30 years and have been fortunate to host art shows for great artists like the late Arnold Friberg, Howard Terpning, Morgan Weistling, and more.
    Best Regards,
    Joanne B & R Gallery

  36. Great blog.

  37. Joanne said

    Hi Suzay,
    Another great American artist I would recommend when you get a chance is G. Harvey. Is he on your list of artists to add?
    Joanne B & R Gallery

  38. Greg said

    This site is wonderful…my only suggestion is to add a search function!

  39. Glenn Levy said

    Hi Suzay:

    I work for Leslie Levy Fine Art. We’ve represented both Steve Hanks and Doug West. Would you please include us in your interesting places section?

    The URL to use is:

    Glenn L.

  40. Glenn Levy said

    Thank you for your fast reply, inclusion and very impressive blog!

    -Glenn L.

  41. John Cox said

    I would like to be listed on your site. What are your requirements for this?
    Thank you

  42. HRG said

    Hi – Would you consider adding a link to our gallery ( – Hidden Ridge Gallery)? We’re an Authorized Greenwich Workshop dealer and deal with artists such as Howard Terpning, Bev Doolittle, Cassandra Barney and the rest of their family of artists. We specialize in rare James Christensen etchings and paintings ( &

  43. Hey Suzay,
    Great blog you have here.
    Wanted to invite you to check out our January ‘About Face’ exhibit featuring contemporary portraiture by over 25 emerging and extinguished young artists. Please see full roster here:

  44. Barbara O'Brien said

    Hi Suzay, What a wonderful site. Thank you for all the time and effort. I think you should include Noel Rockmore as well. Hope you have a wonderful holiday.

  45. Hi Suzay,
    Congratulations again: your regular updates are a great means to learn about new names in figurative American painting.
    My gallery American Art is in France now, but still exclusively focused on American figurative painting “that defines America” : see
    I would appreciate it of course if you could feature it in your sidebar!
    Oh, one technicality that is easily solved: you forgot to change the text to the “About” section at the top of this page, which means that:
    – we don’t get to learn anything about you, when I know many of us would like to learn a bit about you,
    – the summary of this page (in FaceBook links for instance) reads “This is an example of a WordPress page…” Not very tempting!
    Very best wishes for 2012!
    Jacques Protat

  46. Dear Ms Lamb

    Best regards. Your project continues to be ever so interesting. It is a great project and I am not sure there is really anyplace else where one can see such a great wealth of American artists in such detail and volume. Though there are many art museums and so forth, most are very sparing in what they make available online.

    I am an Ojibwe American Indian artist myself, I work in a variety of mediums including stone, but painting has always been and remains my central passion. While you have included many paintings about American Indians, or featuring them I should say, it does not seem you have ever actually included any American Indian artists in your collection. I do not take an exception to this however, as you are of course free to follow your interests in a way that satisfies you. I find the majority of paintings featuring American Indians are rather condescending to the Indians themselves…but artists throughout history have exploited their subjects for their artistic interests without giving any due or credit to who those people might be. I have older relatives on the reservations that posed for fifty cents, for example, for some famous painters and no one ever asked their names or wanted to know anything about them. Perhaps it is unimportant. In the end every work of art stands or not on its merits regardless of who the subject may have been. It is a working part of the shadow of art which lingers along with the lights revealed in the work itself.

    In any event, your project is very nice and I always enjoy visiting here and always discover new things. Thanks very much for your work. I have a gallery up featuring my work, featured in the link attached to my login.

    • Suzay Lamb said

      Some Native American painters are included here: Acee Blue Eagle, Robert Redbird, Beatien Yazz, Jim Abeita…but, you’re right, they are too few. I will try to fill the gap.

  47. I see. Interesting. I should have known you had them covered. Actually I am not familiar with those you listed, so thanks for that I will check them out.

  48. dinasset said

    Hi Suzay,
    i look always with pleasure to your posted images, i have one question.
    would it be possible to have pictures with better resolution? nowadays computers have large displays, and with a strong enlargement quality is often poor.

  49. dinasset said

    Suzay, i didn’t want to bother you, it was a simple question, if you can’t do more, fine, but do not be irritated for my comment, i guess everybody who likes pictures likes to see them with a quality as good as possible, that’s it

  50. Hello Suzay, first I would like to congratulate you on your site, quite and undertaking and very informative.

    I have an ONLINE GALLERY and was hoping you could add my link to AMERICAN GALLERY.

    With gratitude, William Crescenzo

  51. vincenzo mazzei said

    Per Suzay Lamb

    Io è da soli due mesi che sono collegato ad Internet, e per me è stata una piacevole casualità aver scoperto il tuo sito “American Gallery”. Ho iniziato a guardare con curiosità ed interesse l’archivio dei pittori americani che dal 2008 compaiono sul tuo Blog. Si tratta di una presentazione molto varia e vivace, che si guarda con piacere, e che offre un’ampia panoramica su tutta la Pittura americana, dagli artisti più conosciuti a quelli meno conosciuti o addirittura sconosciuti; da quelli dell’800 a quelli più giovani dei nostri tempi, mostrando una grande varietà di stili e correnti artistiche. Brava Suzay.
    Ogni tanto ascolto anche le canzoni della tua Play-list musicale. Complimenti.

  52. vincenzo mazzei said

    Oggi è il mio compleanno (precisamente alle ore 23.00 del 4 aprile), ma essendo il tempo non molto bello (il cielo è nuvoloso), e non avendo voglia di uscire, ho preferito rilassarmi restandomene in casa a visionare il tuo bell’archivio dedicato dell’Arte Americana. Non puoi immaginare quanto mi piaccia!

    Una delle cose che più apprezzo del tuo Blog è la facile accessibilità e il completo disinteresse economico, essendo il Blog aperto e offerto a tutti, senza troppi complicati passaggi burocratici.

    Sapere che da tutto il mondo tantissime persone si collegano al tuo sito, o perché semplicemente incuriositi o perché voglio conoscere meglio l’Arte Americana, dovrebbe essere per te motivo di grande soddisfazione, che ti ripaga dell’enorme lavoro di promozione culturale che stai svolgendo.

    Ho letto anche la brutta vicenda della censura operata da Google contro il tuo Blog, ma come hai ben detto tu in un commento, il fatto di aver trasferito il tutto su un altro motore di ricerca si è rivelata cosa assai positiva, perché hai potuto migliorare ancora di più la tua American Gallery, offrendo immagini più ingrandite e più godibili. In Italia c’è un proverbio che dice: “Non tutto il male viene per nuocere”. Ed è vero!

    Infine, riterrei cosa molto utile se tu riproponessi i tuoi vecchi posts (2007-2008) con immagini un po’ più ingrandite. Ovviamente, essendo tu neo-mamma, il tempo libero che puoi avere a disposizione non sarà molto, però quando potrai, penso che sia una cosa da fare.

    Ringraziandoti della piacevole compagnia, culturalmente valida, che mi sta facendo il tuo Blog, ti saluto e ti auguro una Buona Pasqua. Vincenzo M.

    • vincenzo mazzei said

      Suzay, lo scritto al paragrafo 3° è da correggere cosi: “…, o perchè semplicemente incuriositi o perchè vogliono …”.
      Ho scritto troppo in fretta e invece di scrivere per intero ‘vogliono’ l’ho scritto incompleto, e quindi la traduzione corretta dovrebbe essere all’incirca questa: “Know that from the way many people link to your site, or simply curious or because they want to learn more abaut American art, it should be for you a cause for great satisfaction thet repays you the enormous cultural promotion work you’re doing”.
      Forse non c’era bisogno di questa correzione, perchè tu conosci molto bene l’italiano, però la traduzione in inglese risultava un pò pasticciata. Ciao

    • Suzay Lamb said

      Naturalmente sono molto contenta del fatto che questo blog venga visitato da tante persone da tutto il mondo (in media diecimila contatti al giorno), ma lo farei anche se fosse totalmente trascurato.
      Trasferendomi su questa piattaforma ho sempre avuto in mente di riproporre i posts del primo biennio, con l’aggiunta di più dipinti per ogni artista e riproduzioni ingrandite. Considerato il tempo che posso dedicare al blog si tratterebbe di uno sforzo non indifferente. Prima o poi lo farò.
      Grazie. Tanti auguri (anche se forse un po’ in ritardo) per il compleanno. E auguri di una serena Pasqua.

  53. vincenzo mazzei said

    L’altro ieri mi è capitato di trovare e leggere “Lettera a chi verrà”, quel dialogo intimo con la creatura che era in te, e ne sono rimasto sbalordito. L’ho letta e riletta più volte, ed essa rimane incredibilmente sempre nuova. Si tratta di un capolavoro di rara bellezza, un dipinto con colori freschi, pieno di vita e sentimento, dove la gioia zampilla insieme alla trepidante attesa del grande giorno. Suzay, penso che tu abbia fatto una vera opera d’arte.
    Secondo me possiedi un talento innato per la narrativa e la poesia. Non ho la pretesa di volerti dare consigli, perché solo tu puoi sapere quello che potresti fare e quello che farai, però sarebbe un peccato se tu smettessi di scrivere. Oltre a mantenere in essere American Gallery che è una delle tue creazioni più indovinate, dovresti (quando ti sarà possibile) riprendere a scrivere (anche se non necessariamente sui Blog) e magari fare anche un pensierino a pubblicare dei libri. Ciao

    • Suzay Lamb said

      Al momento la mia principale e quasi totalizzante occupazione, nonché fonte di gioia inesauribile, è occuparmi della mia bambina. Per il resto, quello che sarà lo vedremo.

  54. Vincenzo said

    Suzay, abbi pazienza per la confusione che sto facendo con il nome, e per il tempo che ti sto facendo perdere. Mi sembrava una buona idea utilizzare un altro nome al posto del mio, ma ciò mi sta creando un po’ di disagio psicologico, perché non ci sono abituato ad associare la mia persona ad un altro nome. Penso che sia meglio tenermi Vincenzo (omettendo solo il cognome), altrimenti non riesco a prendere sonno. Scusami per la mia indecisione, ma ti prometto che non cambierò più. Grazie.

  55. Joanne said

    Hi Suzay,
    G. Harvey is a great American impressionist who has had a one man show at the Smithsonian. He paints turn of the century street scenes and Western paintings.
    Here is a link to his exhibit on our website,
    Could you also add our gallery J Watson Fine Art to your resources? The URL is
    Please stop by for a visit if you have time.

  56. fraco054 said

    Desde hace tiempo mi primera visita matinal. Gracias por el sitio.

  57. Vincenzo said

    I liked your response to the comment of a post of the month of June 2011, concerning the request for more biographical information on artists. I agree with you on that, more than words and explanations, count the emotions that art can provoke all those who admire it.
    In my opinion, are more than enough of the personal data given (names of artists and their dates of birth), which already give a precise idea of the historical period in which they lived and worked. If anyone is particularly interested in learning more biographical knowledge, he can always make personalized search. But American Gallery is beautiful as it currently exists, because, in my opinion, is very lively and unpredictable, and above all let those who see the wide freedom of movement and judgment.

  58. Sylvia Ali said

    Yes, I agree. It is always a surprise when I open an artist’s file . Some pieces move me greatly, some not so greatly but there is always a surprise.I find it inspiring to see and react to these posts. Thank you, Suzi.

  59. vincenzo said

    Suzay, if you think I comment too much and the thing can disturb, tell me sincerely, so will limit my comments.
    I like art, but some years I was a bit away from it. And the discovery of your blog has had the good effect of me being born again, the interest for art.

    It ‘true that there are other blogs on art, but I like yours, because, besides being beautiful and dynamic, it makes me feel more at ease.

    Maybe I should write more in Italian and English, to limit the errors of translation. Hello.

  60. Holly said

    Thank you so much for taking the time to put this extraordinary site together. Absolutely brilliant. Years ago I studied under Mal Cumins. I live in Australia now. Don’t even know if he’s still painting but if he is, he’s very good. Perhaps worth consideration for your extraordinary gathering of artists.

  61. Russael said

    Hi I would like to use one of the images for a self-published book cover on Amazon. Is this allowed? Thanks.

    • Suzay Lamb said

      You can only use a painting that is in the public domain (copyright term expires 70 years from artist’s death). Otherwise all paintings copyrights belong to the artist and you should ask him/her for permission. In any case, always remember to quote the artist’s name.

  62. sheila skinner said

    I have an original oil on canvas horse racing painting signed Rogers. I can not find anthing at all on this artist. I have made contact with another who has a painting also. Same no information. Can you help us?

  63. Hi Suzay,
    It was nice to find my web sight listed on your sight. Thank You
    If you would like to include images of my work on the “AMERICAN GALLERY” as well I would be honored.
    Beautiful sight, thanks again
    John Hunn

  64. F. Swemson said

    From your postings to date, I’m pretty sure that you’d enjoy the works of an American artist, recently deceased, by the mane of Luis Jimenez. His work can be found at:

    There’s lots more on the http://www... Or you can reach me by eMail & I can send you some more images


  65. I hope you’ll forgive me for stealing you some pages for a windows 7 desktop 😉
    Great site

  66. Ed Darrell said

    Great resource for teachers of history, and much other stuff. Outstanding collection.

    I didn’t find a “search” bar. Am I missing it, or have you not added that widget to your blog?

  67. F. Swemson said

    May I respectfully recommend that you take a look at the work of Luis Jimenez (American, 1940-2006)

    For a quick glance at his work do a Google search on “Luis Jiménez artist”

    Collier Gallery has a nice assortment of his work on their website as well:


  68. Brant Lee said

    Thanks for your collection, Suzay, I look forward everyday to seeing the latest.

    In the same vein, Crystal Bridges Museum, just of late opened in Northwest Arkansas, is an absolute treasury of American art not to be missed.

  69. Doria Kent said

    Aren’t you familiar with Nicolai Fechin? A Russian-American painter (1881-1955). If you are not, image google his name and be amazed. Thank you for this site, I will visit often.

  70. Ronald Kotkowski said

    I would like to see Maria Szantho, Larry Vincent Garrison and Julian Ritter on this site. Thanks Ron

  71. Ronald Kotkowski said

    Your right about Maria Szantho, I did not realize that .

  72. I found your enormous and great site. The size of your site and wide range of artists is similar to the site which is about mostly non-American artists. Sincerely, Howard McPherson

  73. Suzay –

    I’ve been looking at American Gallery for several years. I love what you’ve done, of course, but I have a couple of questions. First, in the Archives section, what is the number in parentheses? It isn’t the number of artists that month, or the total number of artworks. Second, why are so many of the images no bigger than thumbnails? Higher resolution images are usually available on the internet? Perhaps you can give me an answer.



    • Suzay Lamb said

      The number in parentheses refers to the number of artists posted that month.
      The images posted from October 2007 to March 2009 are very small indeed but, little by little, I’m trying to re-publish those artistic profiles in a more complete way and with higher resolution images.
      Higher resolution images could certainly be posted but I also have to take into account that the available space is not unlimited.

  74. amyguidry said

    Hi Suzay, I just came across your site and the fantastic listing of artists. I would love to be considered if you are accepting submissions. Thanks so much.

  75. Francesco Amato said

    Straordinaria esposizione di opere molto interessanti! Una bellissima panoramica dell’Arte Americana con alcune opere decisamente eccezionali che rappresentano tutti i “gusti” degli appassionati. Veramente un bel lavoro…mi congratulo e sono felice di avervi scoperto. Grazie.

  76. fraco054 said

    Must see, thanks for the site.

  77. Marcus said

    Hey Suzay, just wanted to compliment you on your humongous website! It’s by all means a work of beauty.
    You might remember me or not, I had this blog called the Captain’s Log back in the old days.

    I’m now opening a collaborative online magazine on a WordPress platform, we’ve called it: Band of Bloggers
    …and I’m pretty sure this time the pun doesn’t need to be explained. 🙂

    I hope I’m not violating any rules by adding the link here:

    Take care!

    • Suzay Lamb said

      Ciao, Marco!!…of course I remember. How could I forget the Captain’s Log? A lot of water has flowed since then…I hope you’re doing well. And good luck to the Band of Bloggers! 🙂


  78. max carbone said

    hello Suzay,
    the site on American painting that cures is fantastic. One question: the paintings that play are copyrighted? Some paintings are beautiful and I would like to use for my site on wine. Can you inform me?
    max Carbone

    • Suzay Lamb said

      you can use paintings that are in the public domain (copyright term expires 70 years from artist’s death). Otherwise all paintings copyrights belong to the artist and you should ask him/her for permission. In any case, always remember to quote the artist’s name and don’t use images for profit.

  79. TeeJay said


    ma il tuo vecchio blog è chiuso definitivamente?

  80. Hello, your site is a most pleasant diversion and very instructive about the stark contrasts between the foci of late 20th/21st century artists and those of any earlier period. Am having, I assume, a common problem locating one of the displayed paintings. Saw it recently but neglected to jot down the artist’s name. It’s a bit daunting to scroll all listed painters and their works without a cross indexing. Perhaps the name is readily available through your personal special computer (gray matter). Am looking for the artist who painted Nat “King” Cole, apparently done from a photograph of the great singer and pianist at the keyboard, in color and wearing a three piece suit. Thank you.

  81. You have impeccable taste and a discerning eye. Please consider adding an artist who has fallen off the radar-most of his works are at Yale. Most famous for Mayflower Compact. Gorgeous sketches online at Yale. Subjects-military and wonderful in situ portraits of women in their salons, little boys with fishing gear and my fave a heart wrenching ptg of an older, tired black man reclining in front of his fireplace( a rarity indeed). Edwin White (born, South Hadley, Massachusetts May 21, 1817; died Saratoga Springs, New York June 7, 1877) was an American painter who studied in Paris,Düsseldorf, Rome, and Florence and later taught at the National Academy of Design, in New York. Just to FYI-he is a cousin on my grampa’s side!!if you need examples, I have a smattering of jpegs.

  82. Vincenzo said

    Salve, Suzay
    È tanto tempo che non mi fo sentire, ma ho continuato a seguire con piacere e interesse il tuo meraviglioso blog che, detto confidenzialmente da appassionato di pittura, mi ha giovato tanto, e ancora mi giova, alla salute dello spirito.
    Il mio vecchio indirizzo di posta elettronica non ce l’ho più, in quanto, alcuni mesi fa, ho fatto disattivare il mio telefono fisso da cui potevo accedere ad internet. Adesso posso utilizzare l’indirizzo di posta elettronica che mi hanno installato sul lavoro, per cui, puoi continuare a tenermi aggiornato sulle novità del tuo archivio visivo, che è davvero immenso ed ineguagliabile.

  83. Carolyn Injoy said

    Absolutely wonderful website. Thank you for investing time in posting all these wonderful paintings.

    Would it be possible to find Andy Simmons? He has some gorgeous seascapes.

  84. What a wonderful site, and what a mammoth undertaking. If you have room for one more American artist, take a look at my work at

  85. Charles said

    Just a plain thank you for the hard work of creating such a wonderful site.

  86. picante62 said

    George Smillie and Francis Colburn are a few of my favorites, let me know if you’d like help getting some of their work up.

  87. Kim Weiner said

    Hi Suzay,
    I just found your site here, and it is quite impressive.Thank you for this wonderful collection! I also wonder if you would be willing to take a look at the paintings of my father? The website is He was a reputable artist from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I would be interested in your thoughts!
    All the best, Kim

  88. Harry said

    I was surprised to not find any of the works of Louis Icart on this site. I have about 8 of his prints hanging in my house. He is one of my favorite art deco artists. Any chance you can add him and his works?

  89. Stephen Conrad said

    Very surprised you don’t mention Adolfo Muller-Ury (1862-1947). He painted more prominent American than probably anybody else and was dubbed ‘Painter to the Four Hundred’.
    Check out the Wikipedia for the biography and loads of named sitters.

  90. Gabriel Lazcorreta said

    Hi Suzay.
    Sorry if not the place, but not find other way to communicate with you. My message:

    Requesting permission to links to your images and sites.

    My name is Gabriel and living in Ibi (Alicante) Spain.
    I’m collecting information about “Donkeys and Mules”, and have found your very interesting images and texts in your sites.
    I respect very much animals, and never will post anything that attempt against them. If you let me show your images with credits and links to your sites, it will be fantastic.
    Thanks you in advance.

    Gabriel Lazcorreta.

    • Suzay Lamb said

      You can link whatever you like. Just mention the artists names.

      • Gabriel Lazcorreta said

        Hi Suzay.

        Here they are: Pin-YourImage. Thanks you again for permission. I’ll post more in a few days.

        I collect images and link them to their owners site, and generate others images linking to interesting or surprising pages; always with a touch of learning and enjoyment. Kids and seniors will love to check what is under each image (I hope…). All images, activities, works… everything you know related to donkeys and mules will be interesting for me.
        Some examples here:

        Best regards.


  91. Hi Suzay, enjoyed your site. great to see many colleagues here. excellent work. best, Jamie Adams

  92. Hi Suzay – You have a nice spot on Bessie Hoover Wessel. Have you considered a posting for her husband, Herman Wessel (1878-1969)? They were both students of Frank Duveneck. I’d be happy to work with you on acquiring images. Always a pleasure to see your site – and now your “sites”! Best, Carl Samson

  93. No worries, no hurries! If you need images, let me know!

  94. Help Me Identify this artist if possible:

    Below the message is a link to a jpeg of a painting, it is presently on the cover of
    ““ISBN 0-8021-3960-4 ” Tobacco by Iain Gately.
    Public link (dropbox)

    the painting seems to be missing the bottom
    in this use as a cover photo….the dropbox jpeg shows the book cover….would like to know the artist name and perhaps
    a link to the full version of this painting. American gallery is a pretty awesome blog, I see the server load is maxed out. Look
    forward to what happens next, it is a great art blog…thanks in advance to anyone can help…Turtle Heart, Ojibway artist
    (living in Italy)…

    • Suzay Lamb said

      On the back cover is written: “Cover design by Rick Pracher – Cover art courtesy of The Museum of the City of New York / Bridgeman Art Library”. This makes me think that the artist’s identity is unknown.

      • turtle heart said

        Interesting. The epub edition I have does not reference the cover at all. You may be right. Good clue though, I will search out those collections for something…thanks so much.

  95. Tom Donovan said

    Hey Suzy,

    What a terrific site! Have shared it with all my artist friends : )

    One suggestion – it would be so much more instructive to both beginner artists like me and experienced artists if you posted the images so they can be magnified when clicked. I have a wordpress blog, so I know it is possible.

    Click any image here and see if you don’t agree.

    I upload images to the Media Library and when I make a post, I click “Add Media” and select the image from the library. The image allows magnification when clicked.

    Thanks again for hosting a wonderful resource for artists and art lovers!

  96. Jim Poulton said

    My wife and I are writing a book on painters of the Tetons, and we’re interested in the Astley David Middleton painting (Indian Encampment in the Tetons) you have listed on your site (an excellent site by the way). We’re looking for the person or institution that owns the painting, or the rights to the image. Would you have any information about this? Thanks very much.

  97. Bruce said

    It’s probably presumptuous of me to ask, but which of these names is real, if either? Suzay Lamb / Lexi Amberson? If Suzay was a pseudonym, that was fine – you are entitled to your privacy – but why reveal it as such now? It kind of makes me feel a bit dumb to have been addressing you as “Suzay” these past few years. And is “Lexi” yet another pseudonym? Funny how this bothers me a bit, enough to have made this inquiry. It should not matter, like most things encountered on the Internet.

  98. 🙂 My name is Alexandra Suzanne…so, you can call me Suzay or Lexi. In both cases I’ll turn my head…

    • Bruce said

      Hmmm. You will remain an amorphous enigma to me, then, and I will continue to appreciate your appreciation for beauty, whoever you are. Not that everything you present here is beautiful, ALexiandra SuzayAnne LAmberson, but much of it is – enough to keep me coming back here for as long as you wish to continue. Thank you.

  99. H. Odayin said

    Hey Suzay Lexis LambChop ArtMaker…thanks for the many fine art details, it is an amazing project… regards…WF Posey in Italy.

  100. Ronald Kotkowski said

    Hi Suzay, You should check out Jack Richard from Cuyahoga Falls Ohio. He just passed away at the age of 92 and was a great artist.

  101. dee said

    Why no Aldro T. Hibbard? One of the greatest American Landscape painters, 1886-1972, he studied under these famous Boston painters: Frank Benson, Frederick Bosley and Edmund Tarbell. Most notable for his winter scenes of the VT countryside.

  102. Dear Lexi/Suzay,

    This a marvellous site. It’s really quite amazingly comprehensive. Yet, I’m really surprised to see that Joseph Lindon Smith isn’t here. I hope you will eventually get around to including him; he comes pretty darn close to being a late 19th — early 20th century Renaissance Man. Here’s a link I hope will help convince you:

    Thanks again for this wonderful blog. It is obviously a work of love.

    • Ralph, thank you. I know, a lot of great artists are still missing. I’ll try to post Joseph Lindon Smith’s works next month. But not here, this blog is closed. You’ll find them on one of my new blogs (go to the right sidebar).

  103. Thomas B. said

    Hi and thank you for these beautiful websites of yours!

    As a graduate art history student currently working on French painter Félix Régamey (and the years he spent working in the U.S.), I noticed you posted a reproduction of his portrait by William Morris Hunt back in 2014 (I know this was a long time ago, sorry).

    It was part of this post on your 19th-century gallery:

    However, I have been unable to find more information about this work of art, which would be quite useful to my research. Do you know more about this painting, its dimensions, its date, or its current location maybe?

    Besides, I don’t think there is any catalogue raisonné of Hunt’s works yet, much to my dismay…

    Thanks for any help you can provide!

  104. Robert A Makley said

    I am in the possession of a painting of a William Robinson Barrington that was painted on walnut in 1817 in Philadelphia. This is my Gr Gr Gr Grandfather on my mothers side. There is mention in the family history that the Barringtons of Philadelphia were acquainted with Bass Otis and Rembrandt Peale at that time in Philadelphia. There is noted on the back who the painting is of and the date painted 1817 as well as that it was painted in Philadelphia. There also may be a signature by the artist which could be Bass Otis but it isn’t real clear. I can supply a photo of the painting as well as a photo of what is on the back. My e-mail is Please let me know if you can verify who the artist is.

  105. Walter Moro said

    l really like the American gallery

  106. Carey B. Williamson said

    I have a J. Califano lithograph from early 1900’s it is titled “Gems of the Sea”. I have not seen another one like it, so I believe it is rare. I have not even seen the original oil this was copied from. If anyone knows of this work of art, please contact me at
    Thank you

  107. Please correct the link to Maureen Thompson official site to: there’s an ‘r’ between maureen and thompson. Thank you for your consideration.

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